October 20, 2011

See's Candies

Who doesn’t love chocolate?  I think almost everyone loves chocolate. Correct me if I’m wrong!  I remember when hubby and I were boyfriend and girlfriend and he always sent a package of chocolates for me with bunches of red roses.  Isn’t that sweet?  He really knew what my weakness is. I don’t know buy I have a sweet tooth.

One of the best companies who sell different types of chocolate is See’s Candies.  I love their orange and chocolate wafers.  So delicious!  Actually, we have a Sees Candies here.  Just a ten minute drive away.

I have been craving chocolate these past few days so maybe later today I will drive down there and by some for me and for my lovable hubby.  Now, I’m drooling when I look at their website full of yummy stuff.


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