August 09, 2012

If we are like most of you, our utility bills have continued to spiral upwards at an alarming rate. We have hot and humid months in the summer in New Jersey and the coldest of winters.  Neither of which helps us keep our utility bills down, even though we try everything to make the bills lower.

A friend mentioned she had contacted  and was very pleased to find they would send out a professional team to help her identify problem areas and offer easy solutions to reduce her utility bills.  One of the “little” problems, and I know most of us have them, were the old incandescent light bulbs our parents grew up with. They are now being phased out.  The “curling” light bulbs (CFL’s) are easy to use, but there is a disposal problem because they contain mercury. If you change to LED lighting, you can save as much as $65.00 a year.

The Energy Star company is a contractor who participates with the New Jersey Office of Clean Energy.  They can help you with home repairs assistance in new  jersey.  They have a solution to many of your problems by doing energy audits, consulting on water conservation, spray foam insulation and LED lights.  The clean energy program of New Jersey may give you up to $15,000.00 in rebates and incentives for home repair grants.  While you must use approved energy contractors to do the work, there is no income restriction, and the grants may be available to anyone who can use them.  Schedule an energy audit to see if you qualify. 

Did you know that in a home like yours and mine that as much as 25% of heating and cooling dollars fly out the window so to speak, through unseen cracks and gaps, usually found in our heating duct system, attics and basements. You may be able to qualify for an insulation grant in New Jersey and all you have to do is contact the Energy Team for an audit.  A detailed inspection will tell you if you are losing utility money and solutions you can afford will be offered. Insulation repairs might be in order and an insulation grant in new jersey would help you financially. 


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