February 21, 2011

Plan Ahead, Save A Life

This post brought to you by CryoCell International. All opinions are 100% mine.

Before I got pregnant I’ve never knew what cord blood banking was.  I was laughing when my hubby told me that we have to find a company who provided this type of service. It seems so complicated but when my hubby explained to me what the purpose was of saving the cord blood, it made more sense.

Cord blood is blood that remains in the placenta and the attached umbilical cord after childbirth.  The placenta is the best source of stem cells since it contains ten times more stem cells than cord blood. Are you are an expectant Mom and looking for a reliable company to bank your baby’s cord blood? 

Well,www.Cryo-Cell.com International is America’s most established family cord blood bank.  Not just nationwide but worldwide. They have been in business for 18 years now and have helped more than 230,000 customers around the world to protect newborn’s umbilical cord blood for possible later use.
Saving cord blood by using www.Cryo-Cell.net is the most practical thing to do nowadays because you’re not only possibly saving your kids life but you might also help some other families. So, enroll now to receive a call and free belly bag. This is limited time offer only, so don’t pass this opportunity up to save your baby’s life in the future before it’s TOO late. BE RESPONSIBLE!!!
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emmanuelmateo said...

yeah this must be monitored esp.in the health of the babies.

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