July 21, 2012

Had Enough...

These past few days hubby has trying to reach the landscaper because there are some flowers that seem to be dying.  We really don’t know what happened.  When we hired the company to do the entire job in our back and front yards we got a warranty for all the plants that were planted in our yard.  

Since then, some of the flowers are not looking to good and all the sprinklers aren’t working correctly either.  Hubby sent several emails to them about the plants but we didn’t get any reply from them.  Finally, hubby had enough and sent one last email yesterday that if they don’t reply or contact us as soon as possible  we were going to send a complaint letter to the Contractor State License Board.  

The next day, hubby got a reply from the owner of the company letting us know that he is on vacation and when he come back from his vacation he will buy plants to replace the unhappy plants.  Here some pictures of the plants.


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