April 05, 2012

Today’s technology is incredible.  There so many things that you don't think exist.  If you own a business for sure you need one or two dyson hand dryers in your bathroom area.  It’s easy to dry your wet hand after washing and it saves on paper towel use.  This is the smart thing to have when you have a business. 

It’s not messy like paper towels.  One of the stores that I went to the other day didn't have airblade hand dryers. They were using paper towels to dry your hands and when I looked around… holy moly macaroni! The bathroom was a big mess.  I was just shaking my head after using the bathroom. 

Anyways, some businesses use a dyson air blade hand dryer, some don’t.  Those others prefer the old fashioned way.  Someday if I will have a business I will get a hand dryer from dyson for my business bathroom.  Better than using paper towels.  I don’t like dirty or messy bathrooms. 


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