March 12, 2012

I had posted the other day that I’ve been on a diet and exercising for a week now because I want my body back.  I really miss my body shape from before I got pregnant.  They always say that the older you get, the more you'll have a tough time to losing weight because your metabolism is slowing down to digest all the food you ate. I just can’t lose this battle of losing weight! 

That’s why I’m trying my hardest to find the best equipment or something that might help me reach my goal to shed some pounds before our extravaganza vacation of the year. I gotta do this!  This is not for anybody, this is for myself.  I have to start looking for exercise equipment, fitness equipment, and exergaming to try and see if its work for me. I like one from because I can apply for financing and get a professional training from them when I'm ready to get one.  I really need to lose weight. 

I know this is going to a big battle for me because I really love to eat.  Donuts and chocolates are my weakness yay!  If worse come to worse I have to buy the fitness equipment if plan A doesn’t work.  At least I have a plan B. Good thing about this equipment is for general use for exercise.  I do believe planning ahead is the best strategy of being successful towards your goal. I am really have to pull myself together and plan to start my journey on losing weight. I know it’s going to be a battle but I have to trust my womanly instinct that I can do it.   Good thing here in the US there so many reliable website that you can call or get some equipment to help you like the

I think the plan I have right now helps me to reach my ideal weight.  I’d love to have a body like some other girls but I think I have to work, as in really hard, to get my Beach Body that I’ve been longing for so long. It’s ok, I think, if I don’t have that beach body as long as I have a healthy life style.  That’s all that counts. Fast and easy...get your exclusive offer now.  You can visit their website and watch their videos or you can call them for more information at 877-785-3818. They accept all major credit cards. Want to like them or one of the big fan of them?  You can follow the on Twitter and like them on Facebook.


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