January 12, 2012

Different Options

Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell

Having so many different options when it came to starting my company was really overwhelming, to tell you the truth. I wasn’t sure exactly what needed to be done to ensure my kids and myself would be happy but I wanted it to be on my terms – I was tired of working endlessly for “the man!” Anyway, I started this little business on a hope and a prayer and things are really lining up to make it exactly what I want. I think it’s important to note that I’ve been really good about making sure I know what I need to know to make things enjoyable and safe for me with the business: I went to http://www.smallbusiness.xo.com to get everything logistically lined up so I could go away for a week and leave everything to my assistant and not worry as much. It’s just as important to have good people behind you as it is to be a good businessperson and that’s what I keep clinging to, that I’ve got really good people behind me.


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❤❤❤Thanks For The Comment. Have A Wonderful Day❤❤❤