September 21, 2011

Don't can click on the pictures to see them larger. There's also a short video near the bottom.

Here's the game: Guess what this cup cost (empty). Answer at the bottom of this post.

We had wanted to go to a game and managed to finagle some free tickets from a law firm. So we took BART in to The City and got off at the Embarcadero station. From there we went up the escalator to the MUNI light rail subway which deposited us at the ball park 10 minutes later. Interesting mix of people on the ride. A group of 20 somethings discussing how much alcohol they could get in to the game. Some had bottles. Some had already mixed it in with their Gatorade. Then there was the guy who was letting another passenger know that he belonged to the home run club because he had a ball that had been used to make a home run.

We arrived about the 3rd inning and were on our way home by the 8th inning. When we go again I think we'll arrive earlier . . but it was nice to avoid the crowds last night.

OK - so how much was that cup? Here's the breakdown:
1 soft drink (that was in the cup) - 4.75
1 ice tea drink in a bottle - 4.75
Chicken Strips with Garlic Fries - 9.75
Regular hot dog - 5.75
One hot fudge sunday - 8.00
Round trip ride on BART for 2 - 11.80
2 one-way trips on MUNI for 2 - 8.00 cost was 52.80 for the cup .... but the memories were free (sorry couldn't resist).


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